본문을 읽기 전에 다음 블로그 글을 읽는 것을 추천드립니다.
미국 상원 은행위원회에서는 오늘 한국시간 7일 0시에 미국 증권 거래위원회(SEC), 상품선물 거래 위원회(CFTC)의 의장들을 소환하여 증언을 진행할 예정입니다. 이 청문회는 테더와 관련된 이슈로 많은 주목을 받고 있는데요. 이번 청문회에서는 테더와는 실질적으로 상관이 없습니다.
미국 언론 CNBC는 다음과 같은 질문을 할 것이 예상된다고 보도 했습니다.
- 어떻게 하면 변동성이 큰 암호화폐 시장을 안정시킬 수 있는가?
- 암호화폐와 관련하여 투자자를 어떻게 보호할 수 있는가?
- 해킹과 관련된 해킹을 어떻게 막을 수 있는가?
어제 포스팅 드렸다시피 테더와 관련된 사항은 없는것이 재확인되었으며, 가상통화시장의 안정성을 위한 청문회가 될 것으로 예상됩니다.
The US Senate Banking Committee has summoned the chairmen of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) at midnight on the 7th. US Senate The banking committee will hold a hearing to hear testimony from the summoned people. This hearing is getting a lot of attention with issues related to tether coin. At this hearing, There is virtually no correlation with tether coin.
US media CNBC reported that it is expected to ask questions such as:
- How can you stabilize a volatile cryptographic market?
- How can you protect investors in relation to cryptography?
- How can I stop hacking related hacks?
As I posted on yesterday, I have reaffirmed that there are no tether issues, and it is expected to be a hearing for the stability of the virtual currency market.
Tether 청문회 실시간 스트리밍 링크 :
'Tether' 카테고리의 다른 글
[Warning] This blog article deals with issues related to highly volatile cryptocurrency. Investing in cryptocurrency is classified as a high-risk investment indicator and has a lot of losses, and You must confirm yourself that this post is correct. Please note that this article is for reference only, and It is your responsibility to determine whether or not you are willing to invest. Investing in connection with this posting does not guarantee your financial principal and return. Therefore, if you invest in cryptocurrency, there may be a risk of loss of all or part of the principal, and you are responsible for both the loss of principal and the risk of loss of return.